Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Photo Blog - All About The Benjamins

20 Baht - really common and my wallet is normally full of them

Will buy you: A BANANA PANCAKE, couple of rolls for breakfast, my week's laundry

50 Baht - uncommon as change is normally in 20s and 100s.

Will buy you: a cheap T-Shirt, a notebook, a meal at a restaurant

100 Baht - very common, kind of like the 100s in Monopoly

Will buy you:all you can eat BBQ, a whole roast chicken

500 Baht - same as a 50, change is normally given in 100s

Will buy you: posh clothes from a posh shop, some cheap sunglasses, a male prostitute (from what I've heard)

1000 Baht - generally only given from banks

Will buy you: the hatred of a 7/11 cashier as you buy a 30 baht loaf of break and ask for change, enough (frugal) food for a fortnight, a pair of "The Guard" fatigues (worth every saatang)

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